Present Project Partners

The Happy Hollow team is working with the Happy Hollow park organization and staff members on mitigating hillslope erosion-related issues around the park. They are specifically working with Dan Dunten, the stewardship Director for West Lafayette Parks and Recreation, to figure out what design solution is best for the park.

The Hydroponics team works with Doug Taylor, the Executive Director of Habitat for Humanity in Lafayette, while creating their hydroponic system for Habitat for Humanity's newest community center, Bean Bag. Doug Taylor provides guidance to the project from the perspective of a former hydroponic tomato grower himself as well as a graduate of Purdue's Agronomy Department in the College of Agriculture.

Past Project Partners

The RAM Pump Team is working on providing developing country communities a hydraulic ram pump from local resources that can deliver water to higher elevations or long distances without the use of electricity. The transported water can be drinking water for villages or used for irrigation of crops.

The Colombia Team is funded by the Kimberly-Clark organization to promote public health in the area near Barbosa, Colombia by ensuring reliable drinking water supply in rural areas that currently have no access to a municipal water sources. The Colombia team is working to establish a series of workshops in rural communities on building their own slow sand water filters.

The Wolf Park team is working with the Wolf Park staff. Wolf park is a non-for-profit organization that houses wolves, foxes, bisons and coyotes. They have always had standing water issues on their property. Currently they are looking to expand their pen areas and would like our help to design countermeasures to prevent standing water in the new pens.